WIP workshop - up to 15 pages

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WIP - winter 20192.png

WIP workshop - up to 15 pages


Best gift for a writer? Getting feedback on your most recent work-in-progress!

*For 1 piece of fiction (up to 15 pages) or up 4-5 flash fiction pieces (up to 15 pages).

This package includes:

a) Manuscript notes/marginalia identifying strongest scenes, character development, language, unifying themes, and areas for improving or revising the text

b) Stylistic editing (clarifying meaning, eliminating jargon, polishing language; line-by-line editing for smoothness and clarity while maintaining author’s voice and style)

c) 2-3 page letter summary of findings for author’s records

Once this package has been purchased, it is the responsibility of the author to email their piece(s) to Melissa at goodrich.melissa[at]gmail.com. All pieces must be double-spaced, size 12 font, submitted as a .doc or .docx file. Estimated time of return: 2-3 weeks.

“I love love love working with Melissa Goodrich. She hurls herself into drafts — she inhabits them, I believe. Melissa hears (and feels) the voice, she feels (and hears) the pulse, she finds (and hangs out with) its beating heart. Her detailed, constructive feedback is as artful as it is energizing ... the way her beautiful fiction and poetry are. ”

— Patrick Foran, @pdforan

“Thank you for your incredibly thorough and thought-provoking workshop of my pieces, at the discourse, sentence and word levels! Your questions have given me a lot of food for thought, not only in terms of how to move the pieces from writer-based to reader-based prose, but also in making me consider expanding some of the pieces into longer stories.”

—  Willow Barnosky, @onomatopoesia

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